Create your vision on a budget

Hello and welcome to my blog. 

My name is Samuel, I live in Brighton with my husband and tabby cat. I have always been passionate about interior design. When I was a child I was obsessed with Laura Ashley, the ladies who worked in our local branch loved me and used to give me the old fabric samples and left over paint from the displays! They used to say " remember me when you are on telly one day" Haha! 

When my parents moved to Cornwall my dad did some decorating for a lovely old lady and I spent most of my spare time there. She was like an adopted nan to me. She had a lovely old barn attached to her house that i used as a play house. I got a chair for free which she helped me reupholster and i completely redecorated this barn to make it look like a house.  It was full of damp and the second room was used for coal but i loved it! 

I am not a writer, I just love unique interiors and find myself liking things I can't necessarily afford at first glance! Lots of my Instagram followers have asked if I would write a blog and  I hope that by sharing my ideas and tips, I can help you to also create your vision on a budget.


  1. Its because of your Instagram photos that I learnt how to arrange my cushions on my couch as I was never content with how I arranged them! Also I was inspired with your passion for white jugs and blue plates that I also began hunting for some! I was so glad I came across your insta as I just totally love your taste in interior. I myself as a child always loved decorating with my mother, having read your introductory blog inspires and pushes me to study interior design. Thank you Sam ! :)

    1. Thank you so much for yor lovely comment, I’m glad I can inspire you! 💛 I did an Interior design course and I loved it, it was an evening course so I can do it around working. You should look into it 🙂

  2. This is my very talented husband. I can vouch for his wonderful creations as I live with them every day. Such a gorgeous home to spend our lives in.

  3. Samuel, I so enjoyed how your passion for interiors started, just an amazing story ! You have an eye for design and I always love seeing your posts!

    1. Thank you, Kelly I love seeing your posts too! You are always giving me inspiration! :)


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